Whole Foods Market Gives Money
to Pet Charities!

"Nickels for Non-Profits" Program
Puts $$$ in the Bag for
For Pet's Sake in Reno
Whole Foods Announces "For Pet's Sake" as one of
their next Quarter 3 Charities.
Whole Foods Market gives a 5 cent bag credit to
customers who bring their own reusable shopping
bags or bulk containers. This program is designed to reduce human
impact on the environment while
supporting and bringing attention to local non-profit groups. If customers choose to, they can donate their 5 cent bag credit to one of our local beneficiaries,
which are rotated four times per year.
At the completion of the quarterly term, Whole Foods Market issues a
check to the designated non-profit
groups for the total amount donated from customers for that term. The current pet-related non-profit
being featured in Quarter 2 is the Animal Ark.

For more information on the Whole Foods Market
"Nickels for Non-Profits" Program, please contact
Heidi Draper at Heidi.Draper@wholefoods.com.
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