Starts March 12
Runs Wednesdays from 2:00pm to 4:00pm until March 19 (2 Sessions)
Owning and caring for a pet can make you healthier. Pets keep you active and alert, help you recover from an illness or injury, and give you someone to talk to and reasons to get out of the house. Learn how to select a pet that is compatible with your lifestyle, become an effective pet owner with the help of a trainer, find nutritious, home-delivered pet foods, and discover how your animal may be certified as a companion or therapy pet. Learn about local rescue groups that provide pets and welcome your volunteer time. This class is for seniors only. To register, please call TMCC at (775) 829-9010. Cost is $29.
1 comment:
Seniors get a much needed look at picking the best pet for their lifestyles. Great class!
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