Art Paws Reno Blog

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wagging Tails Means "Hi"--The True Story of Argus & Truth

Love at First Wag

Our 12 year old Lab had passed away of congestive heart failure, so in honor of him we decided to adopt a dog that wouldn’t have much of a chance at finding a home. We found Argus from Tennessee, born deaf and blind in one eye. The rescue had told us of his brother Truth, also born deaf, but completely blind. They asked if we could take on both dogs and as crazy as it sounds, we agreed and brought them both back to our farm in Massachusetts.

I thought they would feel vulnerable not being able to see, or, hear but they meet each challenge with confidence. Despite their disabilities they greet everyone who enters our home with love, wagging tails and wiggling bodies.

I remember as a child our Mom had always taught us that if we saw someone that was disabled, or different in some way not to stare, but instead just say “Hi.”

Argus and Truth have gotten mixed greetings from people. Some of the kids in the neighborhood were so excited to see our new arrivals, but when they saw Truth’s disfigured eyes, they turned away not know how to react. Now, they all let Truth smother them with his love. On our walks down the road, or, on the beach some people greet them with pity, saying, “Aw” I always tell them not to feel bad, these guys don’t know they’re any different from any other dog. They run, they play, they dig, they chase cats, they enjoy the wind in their fur with their heads out the sun roof driving in the car, they enjoy their walks on the beach, but most of all, they love wholeheartedly.

This world would be a wonderful place if everyone greeted one another the way Truth and Argus do. Not being able to see or hear, but passing no judgment by the way someone looks, greeting everyone the same way, with complete joy and a wagging tail.

So, if you ever see us on our walks down the road, or, on the beach. Please don’t stare, or feel bad for us. Just say “Hi.”

By Suzane Manning

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