Art Paws Reno Blog

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

PetFolio Readers Alert: Cat Contest Gives $$$ to the ASPCA

Fetch! What's the big deal?
All cat lovers know their furry friends are amazingly talented. So why do the canines fetch all the attention? It's time tot ake your cat pride outside--don't keep it locked up behind closed doors. This February, the makers of Fresh Step litter want to help you share your love with the world. wear your heart on your sleeve, literally. (Or should that be "litter-ally?!) Dress up in your cat-themed clothing and accessories. send a picture of yourself in feline fashions to Fresh step's Facebook page, and they'll donate $1--up to $100,000--to the ASPCA in 2012. The program runs Jan 23 to Feb 29, 2012. If you're short on cal clothes, don't worry. Fresh step is providing lost of choice items on the site for you to enhance your photo. The Fresh step folks live and breathe cats. They know as well as you it's high time cats stepped forward. Share your pride in your feline at

Friday, January 20, 2012

PetFolio Readers Alert: All Things Feline at the Cat Convention This Sat at the Grand Sierra, Reno

Join us for the second annual Cat Convention, All Things Cats! PetFolio will be there! The event will feature 100 adorable felines ready for loving homes and vendors selling pet supplies, crafts, art, gifts and other cat related items. Learn about kitty first aid and how to be a successful foster caregiver for young kittens. The Cat Convention is hosted by, Grand Sierra Resort this Saturday, January 21 from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm. All Things Cats will be held in the Silver State Pavilion on the arcade level. Admission is free. Brian Crane, the creator of the nationally syndicated comic strip, Pickles, will be signing his newest book, How Come I Always Get Blamed for the Things I Do? A Pickles Collection from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm.The books will be on sale at the signing event. Joel Silverman, Hollywood animal trainer and Animal Planet star, will be providing tips and demonstrations on how to train cats from 11:00 am until 5:00 pm. He will also be autographing photos and sharing behind-the-scenes secrets of his new show, Dog and Cat Training with Joel Silverman. Cats available for adoption will include "mini-panthers," "tiny tigers," "supersized cats," "older-but-wiser" cats and "classy and sassy" cats. Staff and volunteers will be on hand to help find the best match for anyone hoping to adopt a new feline companion. If you can help us spread the word we would appreciate it! The more people who attend, the more potential there is for cats to find adoptive homes. Not to mention it's a very exciting event! Click here to see or print the event flyer. Please feel free to post the flyer at your work or schools, in local businesses, or hand out directly to people. If you have any questions, please contact Kimberly Chandler, Communications Manager, 775-856-2000 x324, Hope to see you at the Cat Convention on January 21! Website | Email | Donate phone: (775)856-2000 | fax: (775) 284-7060 Nevada Humane Society | 2825 Longley Lane | Reno, NV 89502

Monday, January 16, 2012

PetFolio Readers Alert: The 6 Must-Have Dog Supplies for Winter

Caring For Your Dog During Winters – 6 Must-Have Dog Supplies Winters are as harsh for dogs as it for humans and this is why you must take extra care of your canine friend during winters. Give them love, affection and warmth in the snowy months. Given below are 6 great wholesale dog supplies that will help to keep your dog warm in the cold months. 1. Heated Bed – A heated bed is welcome in winter, especially if your pet is arthritic and is kept outdoors. Choose from one of the many varieties of heated beds for your pet and keep it warm. 2. Heated Bowls – The water bowl that you have for your pet is adequate for summers but in winter, when the chill sets in, the bowl becomes icy cold and so does the water. Sometimes, you will find that the water has frozen with the dog unable to drink it. Get your pet a heated bowl so that it can drink water and does not have to lick the ice. 3. Pet Clothes – Your pet needs woolens especially if you live in a place where winter is very harsh. Warm clothes like jackets and dog sweaters keep the pet warm. Not all canines have coats that keep the chill off and therefore, warm pet clothes are essential for them. 4. Pet Boots – The best way to protect their paws is by making them wear boots. If your dog can wear boots, its paws can be protected not only from the cold but also from snow et al. 5. Antifreeze – This is an interesting and essential dog care product for winter. The antifreeze keeps your pet’s things from freezing or becoming slippery. 6. ID Tags – Though you may be using ID tags throughout the year, your dog needs ID tags in winter so that it can be reunited with you if it gets separated in the cold weather. An ID tag is an essential part of owing a pet and make sure that you do not miss it. Winters bring their share of hazards like chemical deicers, snow, ice and wind. While humans enjoy sitting in front of the fire and wear warm clothes to keep the chill away, you must ensure that you do the same for your dog. Give it warm clothes and warm food and water. Keep it indoors, if possible in a heated pet bed so that it does not feel the chill. .
Eliza Lyttle is a pet lover and is the owner of two labradors.In her free time, Lyttle loves making variety of handmade halloween wigs,, and even adorns her dogs with them on special occasions. Visit,, for more dog supply information.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

PetFolio readers: Eyewitness to a Savior

About a year ago I found out my 8 year old English Sheepdog Mickey had liver cancer. Needless to say I was heartbroken. I kept her at home with me hoping for a miracle.
Well, she started to get worse and worse. The problem was I just could bring myself to take her into the Vet's office to have her put down. It just seemed to impersonal to me. So, I researched the internet and liked what I read about Vet To Pet and Dr. Bufkin. I phoned her and scheduled a time in a few days to come and put Mickey down. Unfortunately, the next day Mickey got really sick, and I knew it was time. I phoned Dr. Bufkin. At the time she was busy with another patient, but said she would get to my house as soon as possible. An hour later Dr. Bufkin arrived. Dr. Bufkin and I decided to do the procedure right on the front porch. As soon as I started talking I felt that I was so relieved that she was here.
I took Mickey's head into my lap and started to pet her. She looked up into my eyes and asked me to stop the suffering she was going through. After the Doctor finished Mickey looked so peaceful. Of course I broke down at that point and sobbed. Dr. Bufkin gave me a hug and assured me that Mickey was in a much better place. Dr. Bufkin was so professional and compassionate, that I was so thankful, and lucky that I had chosen her to do this very unpleasant task. --- I just wanted to write this letter, because I still think of Mickey often and because Dr. Bufkin of Vet to Pet was there and made a horrible situation better. Just so you know the cost of her coming to my house was no more expensive than going to the Vet's office. Dr. Bufkin was a savior for me that day. --Craig Pointes, Reno, NV

Monday, January 9, 2012

PetFolio Readers Alert! Cat Convention Sat Jan 21.

News Release For more information contact: Kimberly Chandler 775-856-2000 ext. 324 Nevada Humane Society’s Cat Convention “All Things Cats” January 21 at Grand Sierra Resort Featuring a Cat Marketplace, Activities and Variety of Cats for Adoption Calling all cat lovers! For the second year in a row, Nevada Humane Society is hosting the Cat Convention, All Things Cats, on Saturday, January 21. The event will feature 100 adorable felines looking for loving homes along with vendors selling pet supplies, crafts, art, gifts and other cat related items. Workshops of a variety of feline topics will also be offered. The Cat Convention will take place at, and is sponsored by, Grand Sierra Resort on Saturday, January 21 from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm. “The Cat Convention was a huge success last year and we are aiming on creating an even bigger, better event this year. It promises to be great fun for cat lovers, with the opportunity to learn more about cats as well as celebrate the wonderful feline,” said Bonney Brown, Executive Director of Nevada Humane Society. The event will include a cat marketplace, and educational demonstrations, such as kitty first aid and foster training for young kittens. Hollywood Animal Trainer and host of Animal Planet’s show Good Dog U will be providing tips and demonstrations on how to train a cat. Cartoonist Brian Crane, creator of Pickles, will be selling and signing his book, How Come I Always Get Blamed for the Things I Do? A Pickles Collection, which features Muffin the cat and Roscoe the dog. Cats available for adoption will include; ‘mini-panthers,’ ‘tiny tigers,’ ‘supersized cats,’ ‘older-but-wiser’ and “classy and sassy’ cats. Staff and volunteers will be on hand to help find the best match for anyone hoping to adopt a new feline companion. For more information about Nevada Humane Society, visit or call 775-856-2000. ### About Nevada Humane Society: Nevada Humane Society is a non-profit, charitable, no-kill shelter creating a no-kill community. We work to find homes and provide care for homeless animals. Our work is made possible by donations.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

This has got to be the MEANEST cat in the World...

This cat was playing with another cat..until he did THIS!.... Kitten gets thrown down a loft ladder! ~ -No Cats were Seriously injured, both cats are in good health (Except Kimba is above average weight for his age.) Peering over the edge, this kitten looked too scared to clamber out of the loft. Bella takes a step forward as she carefully tries to make her way down the steps with Kimba lurking behind her. As the six month old kitten climbs carefully over the edge, she glances up at the white cat who is watching her closely preparing to pounce. Then, just as she prepares to take her fifth step, Kimba reaches out playfully with a left paw and prods Bella's behind sharply. The kitten - who was not injured - is sent tumbling down to the floor below by the mischievous cat. Despite taking a heavy tumble Bella was not injured as she fell. [Filmed by STORM.P] ________________________________________________________ Copy and paste this: