Art Paws Reno Blog

Thursday, January 12, 2012

PetFolio readers: Eyewitness to a Savior

About a year ago I found out my 8 year old English Sheepdog Mickey had liver cancer. Needless to say I was heartbroken. I kept her at home with me hoping for a miracle.
Well, she started to get worse and worse. The problem was I just could bring myself to take her into the Vet's office to have her put down. It just seemed to impersonal to me. So, I researched the internet and liked what I read about Vet To Pet and Dr. Bufkin. I phoned her and scheduled a time in a few days to come and put Mickey down. Unfortunately, the next day Mickey got really sick, and I knew it was time. I phoned Dr. Bufkin. At the time she was busy with another patient, but said she would get to my house as soon as possible. An hour later Dr. Bufkin arrived. Dr. Bufkin and I decided to do the procedure right on the front porch. As soon as I started talking I felt that I was so relieved that she was here.
I took Mickey's head into my lap and started to pet her. She looked up into my eyes and asked me to stop the suffering she was going through. After the Doctor finished Mickey looked so peaceful. Of course I broke down at that point and sobbed. Dr. Bufkin gave me a hug and assured me that Mickey was in a much better place. Dr. Bufkin was so professional and compassionate, that I was so thankful, and lucky that I had chosen her to do this very unpleasant task. --- I just wanted to write this letter, because I still think of Mickey often and because Dr. Bufkin of Vet to Pet was there and made a horrible situation better. Just so you know the cost of her coming to my house was no more expensive than going to the Vet's office. Dr. Bufkin was a savior for me that day. --Craig Pointes, Reno, NV

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