Art Paws Reno Blog

Monday, January 16, 2012

PetFolio Readers Alert: The 6 Must-Have Dog Supplies for Winter

Caring For Your Dog During Winters – 6 Must-Have Dog Supplies Winters are as harsh for dogs as it for humans and this is why you must take extra care of your canine friend during winters. Give them love, affection and warmth in the snowy months. Given below are 6 great wholesale dog supplies that will help to keep your dog warm in the cold months. 1. Heated Bed – A heated bed is welcome in winter, especially if your pet is arthritic and is kept outdoors. Choose from one of the many varieties of heated beds for your pet and keep it warm. 2. Heated Bowls – The water bowl that you have for your pet is adequate for summers but in winter, when the chill sets in, the bowl becomes icy cold and so does the water. Sometimes, you will find that the water has frozen with the dog unable to drink it. Get your pet a heated bowl so that it can drink water and does not have to lick the ice. 3. Pet Clothes – Your pet needs woolens especially if you live in a place where winter is very harsh. Warm clothes like jackets and dog sweaters keep the pet warm. Not all canines have coats that keep the chill off and therefore, warm pet clothes are essential for them. 4. Pet Boots – The best way to protect their paws is by making them wear boots. If your dog can wear boots, its paws can be protected not only from the cold but also from snow et al. 5. Antifreeze – This is an interesting and essential dog care product for winter. The antifreeze keeps your pet’s things from freezing or becoming slippery. 6. ID Tags – Though you may be using ID tags throughout the year, your dog needs ID tags in winter so that it can be reunited with you if it gets separated in the cold weather. An ID tag is an essential part of owing a pet and make sure that you do not miss it. Winters bring their share of hazards like chemical deicers, snow, ice and wind. While humans enjoy sitting in front of the fire and wear warm clothes to keep the chill away, you must ensure that you do the same for your dog. Give it warm clothes and warm food and water. Keep it indoors, if possible in a heated pet bed so that it does not feel the chill. .
Eliza Lyttle is a pet lover and is the owner of two labradors.In her free time, Lyttle loves making variety of handmade halloween wigs,, and even adorns her dogs with them on special occasions. Visit,, for more dog supply information.

1 comment:

Juhi said...

This blog is not just about our pet supplies range but I want to create an interesting (I hope) cat and dog resource for pet owners.
Pet Supplies

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